1.Hydroprednisone acetate was injected into the rabbits of the model group using intragluteal injection to produce necrosis models of bone cells of femoral head.
9.Thanks to extensive studies on modern animals, we know that these bone cells or Osteons, are laid down in distinctive and different ways by endotherms and ectotherms.
10.To find out how, Bruce Spiegelman and his colleagues at the Dana Farber Cancer Institute and Harvard Medical School took cultured bone cells and located the receptor to which irisin binds.
11.Malignant tumors can either be primary which is when they arise from the bone cells, or secondary, which is when a tumor developed somewhere else in the body, metastasized, and spread to the bones.
12.Compact bone tissue on the other hand is quite dense, with no visible spaces. It forms the external layer of your bones and stores calcium for bone cells to use to make more tissue.